ТҮТ-үүдийн уулзалтанд тавигдсан илтгэлүүд
ДЭМБ-ын Номхон Далайн Баруун болон Зүүн-Өмнөд Азийн бүсээс томуугийн үндэсний тандалтыг цаашид бэхжүүлэх тухай төлөвлөгөөний төсөл
Монгол English
Тавигдсан илтгэлүүд:
Day 1
1.1. Plenary 1 Regional and global updates
1.1.0. Jeff_Opening Session.pptx
1.1.1. APSED - Dr. Takeshi Kasai.ppt
1.1.2. SEARO - Mr. Oommen John.ppt
1.1.3. WPRO - Dr. Jeffrey Partridge.pptx
1.1.4. WHO HQ - Dr. Wenqing Zhang.ppt
1.1.5. WHO EQA Programme - Dr. Wilina Lim.ppt
1.2. Plenary 2
1.2.1. Influ activity in NH 2010-11season presented by T Odagiri.pptx
1.2.2. Southern Hemisphere - Dr Barr.ppt
1.3. Poster Oral Presentations
1.3.1. Cambodia.ppt
1.3.2. Lao PDR.ppt
1.3.3. New Zealand.pptx
1.3.4. Philippines.pptx
Day 2
2.1. Group Work 1 Feedback
2.1.1. Group A.ppt
2.1.2. Group B.pptx
2.1.3. Group C.pptx
2.1.4. Group D.pptx
2.2. Group Work 2 Feedback
2.2.1. Group A.ppt
2.2.2. Group B.ppt
2.2.3. Group C.pptx
2.2.4. Group D.pptx
2.2.5. Group Work 2 Explanation - Jeff.pptx
2.3. Plenary 3 Influenza surveillance and reporting
2.3.0. GISR reporting and communication - Wenqing Zhang.ppt
2.3.1. Integration of Epi and Lab Data-5th NIC meeting in WPR-Laos 201106-Xuzhen.ppt
2.3.2. Integration of Epidemiological and Lab Data_MNG_Laos_NIC meeting_07June2011.ppt
2.3.3. Laboratory integration in Influenza surveillance-Laos.ppt
Day 3
3.1. Group Work 3 Feedback
3.1.1. Consolidated PPT about plan.pptx
3.1.2. Influenza surveillance workplan_WPRO&SEARO_2011-2016_ ALL2.doc
3.1.3. Influenza surveillance workplan_WPRO&SEARO_2011-2016_ ALL3.doc
3.2. Morning Session
3.2.1. Feedback from SEARO.pptx
3.2.2. Antiviral resistance surveillance - Dr. Aeron Hurt.ppt
3.2.3. Questions for Antiviral resistance discussion.pptx
3.2.4. Group Work 3 - Jeff Explanation.pptx
Day 4
4.1. Plenary 5 Technical presentations and discussions with WHO Collaborating Centres
4.1.1. (Part 1) Kelso_NIC Meeting Laos_June 2011.ppt
4.1.1. (Part 2) NIC meeting 2011.ppt
4.1.2. Dr. Xiyan Xu.ppt
4.1.3. 2011 06 10 VacVirusSlection 20110609.ppt
4.1.4. WANGD~1.PPT