“НДББ-ийн орнуудын эпидемиологийн анализ хийх, дата менежмент” сэдэвт сургалтанд тавигдсан илтгэлүүд
1.1 Importance of data management for surveillance and epidemiologic analysis, Meg McCarron
1.2 Introduction to basic epidemiological analysis for surveillance data, Meg McCarron
2.1 Constructing a data management system, Pam Kennedy
3.1 Database structure: Designing a system for easy analysis, Pam Kennedy
3.2 Methods to identify problem sources at the data entry & data collection level, Nishan Ahmed
3.3 Preparing data for analysis: Fixing errors that can't be controlled during entry, Nishan Ahmed
4.1 Standard reporting templates, Karen Martin
4.3 Intro to EpiInfo, Sheena Sullivan
5.1 Automated data analysis, Nishan Ahmed
5.2 Interpreting & describing data, Monica Huang
5.3 Introduction to baselines & thresholds; significance & interpretation, Sheena Sullivan
5.4 Introduction to Risk Factors & Measures of Effect, Meg McCarron